Sunday, June 17, 2018

Ways to Making Money Online

There are many possible ways that are next to endless and with the option of working from the comfort of your own home.   You can start an online business anywhere and all you need is a laptop and an internet connection to get started.
Below are some of the make money online ideas you should try out

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the first one for a reason because this offers are a great way to make money online.  Affiliate marketing is when you sell other people's products and earn a commission.   You can easily have a wide range of products that you can promote and make money because many companies have rushed into affiliate marketing.  You will find a whole lot of platforms on the internet.  For example

2. Become a Virtual Assistant

Many start-ups or small businesses need someone to assist them with administrative duties but they are not in a position to hire a full-time employee.  Basically Some businesses just do not want to spend a lot of money.  Virtual assistants can carry out secretarial, administrative, book-keeping, handling e-mail, schedule travel arrangements etc.  Negotiating with clients on behalf of the employer depending on the level of experience one has got.  All you need is having some administrative experience, organizational and time management skills to juggle a multitude of tasks and pleasant phone manners. It also helps if you know Microsoft Office. At Elite, Upwork, GetMagic, MoneyPantry etc. they hire people with different skills.

3. Freelance Work

Apart from soliciting your own business, there are platforms for professionals to pursue their skills.  Besides places like Fiverr, Freelancer and Entrepreneur are often used by small businesses who are looking for someone to help with a short-term projects.  This can be anything from logo design, web design, content writing, database management and any manner of programing.  Registering is free.

4. Online Tutoring

If you have teaching skills, use this opportunity to explore your skills.  There are several websites like Udemy that recruit instructors and will give you this opportunity to teach online.   All you have to do is sign up with them and get started.  For example if you are good with computer packages you can teach a group of people who need them e.g. graphic designing, programing and coding. The Balance Careers  and Superprof have several tutoring jobs.

5. Selling Photos
Do you have a passion for taking pictures, are you an amateur photographer or simply love photography? If so, you could turn this into some extra cash.  Some companies buy photos and re-sell them.  If you have a camera start snapping away but they had better be good qualify photos. Check out Shutterstock, Pixabay, Snapshots and Depositphotos  if they buy photo, there are many others, all you have to do is Google.  But there are many others.

6. Make Youtube Videos
Many people go to Youtube because they are looking for something interesting or informative to watch.  People upload thousands of videos on Youtube everyday.   Think of an idea you think is unique and people will enjoy watching it. Write about it, shoot a video explaining it and upload it.  If your content is worth the money you should not worry about subscribers and likes these will come in droves.  If you think that you can show people some unique content then why not try?

7. Write an E-Book

E-Books have remained ever popular ever since books were digitized.   If you have always wanted to write a novel, there has never been a better time to hit the keyboard.  Also you can write short stories for starters and as you progress you improve.  Publishing an e-Book means that there are no printing or shipping costs so this can be the best way to make money fast online.  Amazon Kindle is one of the best where you can do this.   All you have to do is write a book and download it and people buy it.  Off-course you will have to find an applicable software to do it and also a method of payment.
It is advisable to own your own website were you can always download your e-books and sell.  You might need to get a professionally designed cover but you can head over to Fiverr  for that and or hire someone to do it for you at a fee.  Check out ebook-services for publishing steps.

8. Create a Blog

Create your blog in places like Blogger, WordPress and GoDaddy.  These also offer free blogs/websites, you can start with a free blog and later upgrade by buying one and monetize it by either selling advertising spots from say Awin network, and Google Adsense on your website, besides selling products from other companies as an affiliate marketer.  Blogging is big business today and you do not need much technical know-how.   Are you passionate about something? Do you have something interesting that you think people will want to read about and are you knowledgeable about something and want to share that information?  Developing a following could be the pathway to a decent income.  Read more about Blogging here.  Digital Deepak has a free training package.
People will keep coming back to your blog if the topics you write about and the style in which you write is appealing.   It is what you say and how you say it that will sell you.  We all know the internet is a global marketing medium where people look for information 24/7 to solve their problems and if you use it to market to them, crucial information and solve their problems, they will in return pay you for the solutions and make online money.

If your blog attracts numerous visitors, many companies will pay you or give you merchandise to run advertisements that link to their websites. It s an audience that has a connection with the potential affiliate. Say your blog centers on parenting issues, it is a perfect match for companies selling children’s clothing or toys.

9. E-commerce business

Online retail is increasing every year as more and more people turn to the internet for purchasing a whole host of different items. There are a number of things to consider such as product, market and shipping but it is not as difficult as it may first appear. Choosing a viable product to sell is probably the biggest initial headache.  Check out sites like Shopify to get more ideas.  You can even create your own Facebook store.  See the top 10 Facebook stores.
10. Content Writing, Copy Writing and  Copy Typing

You can always get paid to write content for anyone and or on a blog.  For instance if you signup with Fiverr fill in their form and publishers will find you.  Should you wish to earn extra cash for writing articles you can sign up with Onlinebookclub, iWriter, Textbroker, Freelancer, Amazon Kindle, The Penny Hoarder, Fund for Writers, Upwork, Writers Work and many others. Do research which category you are knowledgeable about.  There are so many to choose from depending on your subject matter, that it would almost impossible to list here.  You can also write offline.

Copy writing is a craft of writing persuasive advertisements which get people to part with their money.  Writing is a skill that has to be learned but with a lot of practice. Copywriters are responsible for the text on brochures, billboards, websites, emails, advertisements, catalogs, and more, there are also places like Awin.   This way you can also get typewriting jobs along the way.

A copy typist is someone who specializes in typing text from a source which they read. Copy typing can be hand written notes perhaps from an author of a book, a play, or a TV show.  It might be their own notes in shorthand.  Therefore if you have typing skills you can find various jobs from the companies mentioned above and alot more on the internet.  A quick Google search will bring the ones up that will benefit you.

11. Data Entrant

Many companies tend to outsource the task of inputting data to update their records on a regular basis. All you need is a computer, typing accuracy and speed. While jobs exist, demand is high also scams are plenty so be careful.   You can search Craigslist and Google (type in “online data input jobs”), and cold-call companies’ human resources departments to apply.  Fiverr and  Freelancer is another place you can give a try to market your skill.

12. Get Paid for Taking Surveys

There are online companies that upload surveys and want opinions or responses from people. If you have a bit of free time, this is a great way to earn some extra cash while you are surfing around on the internet.  You need to exercise some patience though because it can be frustrating since you do not always qualify to take the survey and it can take a while to earn money, but if you enjoy answering questions you go for it.

For example ClearVoices and    For each completed survey, they will pay you or enter you in a sweepstakes (or both!).  I would suggest you watch out for scam like has too many complaints.

13. Selling Web Hosting Services

There are so many companies that selling hosting services for websites and manage them, you cannot own a website without a hosting service provider.  You can buy and sell domains.
A web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on special computers called servers.

For instance companies like Bluehost, HostGator and GoDaddy charge as low $4 per month for hosting your website, you can buy from them a domain and they host your website for you as well.

14. Social Media Market Consultant

Although social media changed how friends engage, it also has transformed the way businesses reach customers and build brand loyalty. Companies need people for whom Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram and Twitter are second nature.  Does that sound like you?

If you do have experience in communications, journalism, public relations or marketing the better. What is most important is to familiarize yourself with social media so that you can communicate with consumers to build brand awareness and drive traffic to a company’s website, tweet about special deals and keep a company’s Facebook page current.

Show potential bosses your Web skills by including links to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts on your resume.  Also maintain active, creative social accounts. If there is a cause you support, highlight it on your Facebook page and Twitter feed. Show how you created links to relevant stories and gained followers.

15.  Network Marketing

This is also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), this is a business model were you sell products and earn a commission and or by recruiting other members who go on to sell.   The latter allows you to make money from the sales made by those you have recruited.  Signup with MLM Gateway to find out more.

16. Beauty Expert Seller and Adviser

Many of you ladies love makeup, don't you?  There are also gentlemen who are into the makeup business as makeup artists.  Consider joining companies like Alcone  and Avyna to earn online money by selling their products and or become a distributor.  Checkout how Marina De Giovanni started and she is now reeking in millions of dollars as a beauty adviser and influencer, you can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

If you have a love for beauty products and identify a social network that is interested in purchasing them you are in business. Create your own personalized website to sell products. You can also give tips and advise on beauty products.

Some products however are not that good so you have to be careful.

17. Expert in any field

You can be come an adviser in your profession and or a field you are in for example computer programing.  After registering as a expert on a specific topic, you answer questions from the public.  Documented professional expertise or you can take a test to prove your knowledge and reveal it. You do not necessarily have to work full-time answering questions, but you can get more inquiries over time.  Quora  and Indeed are places you can do this.

18. Sell eBay, Amazon, ClickBank, Sharasale and CJ Affiliate products

Companies like those mentioned above will allow you to sell all kinds of products from their website stores and make money fast online. This means you have to set up a way to drive visitors to where you are promoting specific products from these these stores.

One thing you must do is signing up and downloading a banner or a link on your a website you own and when people click on them, it takes them to the sales page for these two online stores. If they buy, you earn a commission.  Try ebay, Amazon and Clickbank they are very popular.

19. Online re-seller

Make money online selling items online by reaching out to people who want to get rid of their stuff but are too busy to do it themselves.  You can even place small adverts in the newspaper looking for search people.  You can also advertise on social media like Facebook and or look for online stores.

20. Sell your own products

Why not!  If you do have products to sell of your own and or services you can sell them.  The procedure is the same as the rest.  If you are into arts and crafts and vintage Etsy is the place to check out .    Read how you can become an online re-seller.  Craigslist, Amazon FBA, Facebook, Instagram etc. are other places you can try out.


The internet is absolutely packed with money making opportunities. It all depends whether you are looking to make a passive income or build a serious business.  You do not even need to own a website to make money online.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dreams come true even after all the ups and downs

After all the ups and downs in her life, she is a winner!  When one has dreams, sometimes these dreams do not materialize but for some people they do, how lucky she is! 

She is now a woman about to get married.  How time flies.  I remember the day she was born, she was such a beautiful baby.  I can never forget especially since we share a birthday.  Her mother had her when she was just 16 years old and I remember her dad was a much older man probably in his late 40s.  At the time I did not realise how young her mother was, I was very young myself but I remember her mother was a very beautiful outgoing party girl, she was actually a young girl now that I think about it.  I had never met anyone like her.  She really lived her life.  Wish she was here to see her baby all grown up and getting married.

I do not know how many times I did not go out to play because I was waiting for her to wake up to carry her.  Her mother's apartment was two floors above my mother's.  Sometimes you would think me and my siblings lived in their apartment.  When we were not at home we practically hanged in her mother's apartment just to be around her.  She was such a sweet beautiful baby.  Her mother would most of the time leave her with us to take care of her.  We even fought a few times with my siblings each wanting to carry her. I cant believe she is now a woman.

Last week I attended her introduction ceremony.  She introduced the man she loves to her family and friends.  It was a beautiful traditional function.  She already has a child with this man.  When I got the wedding invitation card, I wondered why there was no indication of a church service. A surprise awaited me.  After the introduction activities were done the Master of Ceremony announced that there was going to be a "Nikka", this is a Muslim marriage ceremony......I was like what?   This was good news to me.  Turns out her would be husband had accepted to become a Muslim from a Christian, she is a Muslim.  I was so happy for her.  I mean, for a man to change from his religion for a woman it must be TRUE love!  Interestingly it is a East Africa union while she is from Uganda the man is from Kenya, wow!  Meanwhile her father is from Cameroon and her mother had a mix of Arabic blood.  She has grown up into beautiful woman I must say.

Unfortunately, she has never met her father, he left the country to go back to his country of origin when she was still a baby and sadly her mother passed away a few years back.  Meanwhile her father although invited for the ceremony, he did not turn up and most likely he will not attend the wedding.  She cried when she received the news.  She also had a half brother who passed away in unfortunately circumstances, the poor boy committed suicide while working in Dubai, he had suffered from depression, it is believed he had never gotten over the death of their mother and then later his father who he had decided to join when their mother passed away, he had also returned to his country of origin, he was from Chad.  It is sad that her parents and only sibling will not be at her wedding.  The good new is, she found a man of her dreams and they have a beautiful child.  When one door closes another opens.

She has grown up into a very strong woman.  She has come from very far, she had lived in the UK for sometime.  When her mother could nolonger afford to pay her tuition, she decided to do odd jobs to survive and eventually managed to go back to school, she specialized in Events Management, she is infact now her own boss, she owns an Events management company.  She does her job well, she is organized, courteous and very creative.  She has done many corporate events and delivered.  She is an achiever.

Dreams come true even after all the ups and downs.

I am so happy for her!

Thursday, March 03, 2016

A visit to the witchdoctor

 Some people say witch doctors practice satanic things, others say they heal bad spirits, others say they can give you wealth, while others say they are just a bunch of con men look to make a quick buck!

I grew up in a society where some people practice witchcraft.  Some people say they go to witch doctors because they suffer from all kinds of ailments, while others go there to get rich and others to just hurt those that have wronged them!

When one mentions witchcraft, in most modern societies it is scared.  Personally I start thinking of all the bad staff that will happen to me if I ever faced a witch.   I get scared just at the mention of the word witchcraft.  I do not think practicing witchcraft, anything good comes out of it but why people practice it is still a mystery in this day and era. 

I have known a few people close to me that have practiced witchcraft but the outcome has always been quiet the opposite.  I remember one time a family friend I used to work for when I had just completed College drove me to an unknown destination.  Initially I thought we were going to work as usual, but she changed direction and we took another route.   It was quiet a long journey but we got there finally.  She got out and ordered me to stay in the car. 

At first I did not think much of it but as time passed by I was puzzled.  I started asking my self questions like; Who has she come to visit?  Why was the place so quiet like it had been abandoned? Why was she disappearing in a hut? Why would anyone want to live in a hut in a semi-urban setting because I had noticed on the way that the surrounding homes were normal houses built with bricks.  This place almost looked like a country home.  Again why were there so many trees?  What if a wild animal crawled out of the surrounding small bushes and jumped me?  Offcourse wild animals cant be found in a place like that but I hate snakes!  My heart skipped.  I started imagining all the bad things that were gonna happen to me while I sat in the car alone.  I was like, should I get out and run but again, I did not know my way back.  I decided to sit silently in the car contemplating what to do next, I also think I said a prayer at some point in time.

She returned an hour later and by that time I was silently quaking and cold.  She did not say anything to me, she just started the car and we drove home. You should have seen the sigh of relief from me. I wanted to question her what had brought us to that freaky lonely place but because she was way older than me and I respected her so much, so I shut up!  I am very sure she gave me several side glances to get a reaction out of me but I kept silent like the good girl I am and did not say anything, any questions I had in my head ready to ask her, I answered them myself. 

Then it clicked, she had come to see a witch doctor.  What for, me and you.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Uganda's regional kings


 The Kabaka (King) of Buganda Kingdom is Ronald Muwenda Mutebi.  He is the King of Baganda tribe, the largest tribe in Uganda located in the Central region of Uganda.  He is donned in royal regalia and sitted on his crown chair in his palace with the kingdom's flags.  The regalia is handmade, those are some beautiful colors.  He was at one time exiled in Britain when the the president at the time, the late Milton Obote abolished Kingdoms.

 William Wilberforce Nadiope Gabula IV is the Kyabazinga (King) of Busoga Kingdom. While the death of his father, Kyabazinga Henry Wako Muloki happened in 2008, he became the new Kyabazinga of Basoga tribe located in Eastern Uganda in 2014.  He has just graduated atop of his class from the UK-based Coventry University with a master’s degree in Business Administration (Management) recently.

 Oyo Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, is the reigning King (Omukama) of Toro Kingdom located in the Western region of Uganda. Three and half years later in 1995, Oyo ascended the throne and succeeded his late father to become the 12th ruler of the 180 year old Kingdom of Toro. He is currently the youngest ruling monarch, taking the place of previous record holder, King Mswati of Swaziland who was crowned at 18 years of age. He became King at the age of 3 when his father died.  He made 23 years recently and has been King for 20 years now.

His Majesty Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere Irema Ngoma is the The King of Rwenzururu located in Western Uganda, Kasese District.  Before becoming King he used to be a nurse's aide in Maryland and Pennsylvania, USA.  For years, as Charles Wesley Mumbere cared for the elderly and sick, none of his colleagues suspected that he had inherited a royal title in his African homeland when he was just 13.  But Mr Mumbere's royal roots only became public in Pennsylvania 2009, when he granted an interview to The Patriot-News of Harrisburg as he was preparing to return to Uganda.  He had inherited the title after his father, Isaya Mukirania Kibanzanga, who died while leading a secessionist group in the Rwenzori Mountains, otherwise known as the Mountains of the Moon in Kasese District.  The rebels were protesting the oppression of their Bakonzo ethnic group by their then-rulers, the Toro Kingdom.  The Bakonzo demanded to be recognised as a separate entity and named Kibanzanga, a former primary school teacher, as their king in 1963.

Shortly after Kibanzanga died, his son led the fighters down from the mountains to hand in their weapons. Mr Mumbere went to the United States in 1984 on a Uganda government scholarship, attending a business school until Uganda's leadership changed and the stipend was stopped. He gained political asylum in 1987, trained as a nurse's aide and took a job in a suburban Washington nursing home to pay his bills, The Patriot-News of Harrisburg reported in a July 2009 story.  After 10 years of negotiation, President Museveni announced in August the government would recognise the Rwenzururu Kingdom as Uganda's seventh kingdom.


His Majesty Rukirabasaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I is the 49th Omukama (King) of the Kingdom Bunyoro Kitara 27th Omukama in the Babiito Dynasty.  The Royal Palace, called Karuziika       Palace, is located in Hoima town in Western Uganda.  The first kings were of the Batembuzi dynasty.  Th Bachwezi dynasty were the second kings followed by the Babiito dynasty of the current Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara is from.  The Omukama (King) of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom was reinstated by Statute No. 8 of 1993, enacted by the Parliament of Uganda after the monarchy had been abolished for many years.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Uganda foods

Uganda is one country where you can not starve if you were a visitor.  We have a variety of foods that will wet your appetite i.e. all kinds of food and sauces both boiled and fried.  We also cook our most of our sauces in banana leaves to give it that good flavour and smell.  We have all kinds of vegetables you can eat with you meal too.  The choice is yours.

Katogo - Matooke (Plantain) with Offals for breakfast

 Katogo - Matooke (Plantain) with meat for breakfast
Boiled Cow Hoof for evening while taking a beer

Posho (Pap), Plantain (Matooke) and Greens

Plantain (Matooke) and Chapati

Kalo (hot millet bread)

Boiled meat with Irish potatoes

Boiled chicken with Irish potatoes, greenpepper, carrot

Boiled groundnuts

Boiled chicken

Boiled groundnuts mixed with meat

Fried green peas

Sweet potatoes with fresh peas and greens

Deep fried Tilapia fish with posho (pap) and fried tomatoes and onions

Boiled rice, plantain (Matooke) and boiled groundnuts

Boiled rice, beans, greens, irish and matooke

Posho (pap) and beans

Cooked pumpkin

Fried irish potatoes

Boiled cassava

Cooked yams

Boiled irish potatoes




Greens mixed with grounduts and eaten with Plantain (Matooke)

Egg plant

French bean

Katunkuma with greens

Rolex (fried eggs rolled in chapati)


Fish and chips with salads