Thursday, March 03, 2016

A visit to the witchdoctor

 Some people say witch doctors practice satanic things, others say they heal bad spirits, others say they can give you wealth, while others say they are just a bunch of con men look to make a quick buck!

I grew up in a society where some people practice witchcraft.  Some people say they go to witch doctors because they suffer from all kinds of ailments, while others go there to get rich and others to just hurt those that have wronged them!

When one mentions witchcraft, in most modern societies it is scared.  Personally I start thinking of all the bad staff that will happen to me if I ever faced a witch.   I get scared just at the mention of the word witchcraft.  I do not think practicing witchcraft, anything good comes out of it but why people practice it is still a mystery in this day and era. 

I have known a few people close to me that have practiced witchcraft but the outcome has always been quiet the opposite.  I remember one time a family friend I used to work for when I had just completed College drove me to an unknown destination.  Initially I thought we were going to work as usual, but she changed direction and we took another route.   It was quiet a long journey but we got there finally.  She got out and ordered me to stay in the car. 

At first I did not think much of it but as time passed by I was puzzled.  I started asking my self questions like; Who has she come to visit?  Why was the place so quiet like it had been abandoned? Why was she disappearing in a hut? Why would anyone want to live in a hut in a semi-urban setting because I had noticed on the way that the surrounding homes were normal houses built with bricks.  This place almost looked like a country home.  Again why were there so many trees?  What if a wild animal crawled out of the surrounding small bushes and jumped me?  Offcourse wild animals cant be found in a place like that but I hate snakes!  My heart skipped.  I started imagining all the bad things that were gonna happen to me while I sat in the car alone.  I was like, should I get out and run but again, I did not know my way back.  I decided to sit silently in the car contemplating what to do next, I also think I said a prayer at some point in time.

She returned an hour later and by that time I was silently quaking and cold.  She did not say anything to me, she just started the car and we drove home. You should have seen the sigh of relief from me. I wanted to question her what had brought us to that freaky lonely place but because she was way older than me and I respected her so much, so I shut up!  I am very sure she gave me several side glances to get a reaction out of me but I kept silent like the good girl I am and did not say anything, any questions I had in my head ready to ask her, I answered them myself. 

Then it clicked, she had come to see a witch doctor.  What for, me and you.

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