Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dreams come true even after all the ups and downs

After all the ups and downs in her life, she is a winner!  When one has dreams, sometimes these dreams do not materialize but for some people they do, how lucky she is! 

She is now a woman about to get married.  How time flies.  I remember the day she was born, she was such a beautiful baby.  I can never forget especially since we share a birthday.  Her mother had her when she was just 16 years old and I remember her dad was a much older man probably in his late 40s.  At the time I did not realise how young her mother was, I was very young myself but I remember her mother was a very beautiful outgoing party girl, she was actually a young girl now that I think about it.  I had never met anyone like her.  She really lived her life.  Wish she was here to see her baby all grown up and getting married.

I do not know how many times I did not go out to play because I was waiting for her to wake up to carry her.  Her mother's apartment was two floors above my mother's.  Sometimes you would think me and my siblings lived in their apartment.  When we were not at home we practically hanged in her mother's apartment just to be around her.  She was such a sweet beautiful baby.  Her mother would most of the time leave her with us to take care of her.  We even fought a few times with my siblings each wanting to carry her. I cant believe she is now a woman.

Last week I attended her introduction ceremony.  She introduced the man she loves to her family and friends.  It was a beautiful traditional function.  She already has a child with this man.  When I got the wedding invitation card, I wondered why there was no indication of a church service. A surprise awaited me.  After the introduction activities were done the Master of Ceremony announced that there was going to be a "Nikka", this is a Muslim marriage ceremony......I was like what?   This was good news to me.  Turns out her would be husband had accepted to become a Muslim from a Christian, she is a Muslim.  I was so happy for her.  I mean, for a man to change from his religion for a woman it must be TRUE love!  Interestingly it is a East Africa union while she is from Uganda the man is from Kenya, wow!  Meanwhile her father is from Cameroon and her mother had a mix of Arabic blood.  She has grown up into beautiful woman I must say.

Unfortunately, she has never met her father, he left the country to go back to his country of origin when she was still a baby and sadly her mother passed away a few years back.  Meanwhile her father although invited for the ceremony, he did not turn up and most likely he will not attend the wedding.  She cried when she received the news.  She also had a half brother who passed away in unfortunately circumstances, the poor boy committed suicide while working in Dubai, he had suffered from depression, it is believed he had never gotten over the death of their mother and then later his father who he had decided to join when their mother passed away, he had also returned to his country of origin, he was from Chad.  It is sad that her parents and only sibling will not be at her wedding.  The good new is, she found a man of her dreams and they have a beautiful child.  When one door closes another opens.

She has grown up into a very strong woman.  She has come from very far, she had lived in the UK for sometime.  When her mother could nolonger afford to pay her tuition, she decided to do odd jobs to survive and eventually managed to go back to school, she specialized in Events Management, she is infact now her own boss, she owns an Events management company.  She does her job well, she is organized, courteous and very creative.  She has done many corporate events and delivered.  She is an achiever.

Dreams come true even after all the ups and downs.

I am so happy for her!

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